Six Ways to Stop Smoking

While there is no easy way to stop smoking, the following methods will help you beat your nicotine addiction. Many people like you think they should quit smoking cigarettes but find it too difficult. The reason for this is because there is a physiological basis of nicotine addictions (physical) as well as a psychological basis of nicotine addiction.

Following is a list of the easiest ways to stop smoking. Use one or more of these methods to cure your nicotine addiction.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Nicotine replacement therapy consists of products such as nicotine patches, gum, inhalers and nasal sprays. These stop smoking aids deliver a dose of nicotine with the aim of helping you gradually kick the habit of smoking while you progressively use less nicotine. While using nicotine replacement therapy is an easy way to stop smoking cigarettes, it is common to form an addiction to the nicotine substitute so you have to be careful while using them.

Prescription Stop Smoking Drugs
Often referred to “stop smoking drugs”, these prescription medications are designed to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Stop smoking drugs such as Chantix and Zyban work to “undo” the part of your brain that has become rewired by nicotine. While this sounds great, quitting is not guaranteed. In a recent study only 44% participants quit while using Chantix as opposed to 30% who quit by using Zyban. Learn more about the benefits, costs, and side effects of stop smoking drugs.

Herbal Stop Smoking Products
Herbal stop smoking products offer an all natural alternative to nicotine replacement therapy and prescription stop smoking drugs. Some herbs create an effect on the brain that is similar to nicotine but are non-addictive, while other stop smoking herbs help the body to deal with the other symptoms of quitting, such as irritability and the “quitters flu”.

Cutting Down Gradually
Another way to stop smoking is by gradually lowering the amount of cigarettes smoked each day – for example cut down from 10 to 7 cigarettes a day or less. You can also delay having a cigarette after a meal or when ever else you feel like smoking. One very important thing to do is make certain that your final quit date is no more than two weeks after your start.

Stop Smoking Plan
While a few lucky smokers can quit smoking cigarettes by going cold turkey, most people require a more complicated way to stop smoking. A solid stop smoking plan will include a quit date, the help of your family and friends, the understanding of the challenges that you will face on that date and beyond, getting rid of all tobacco related items from your home, car, and work place, and speaking to a doctor about treatment for nicotine addiction.

Other Ways to Stop Smoking
There are several other ways to stop smoking that don’t involve nicotine replacement therapy or prescribed medication. These include hypnosis, acupuncture, behavioral therapy, and nicotine vaccination.

Finding the easiest ways to stop smoking can be a personal choice. You may react differently to these methods than someone else. Do your research and you may find the answer that solves your nicotine addiction. A good program can be found here.

PCOS it doesn’t have to be this way !

I remember it like it was yesterday when I walked into the consultation room with my wife. We had been having problems getting fertile trying for a child and had followed the usual medical channels. We were now just one door knock away from visiting the consultant at the local hospital. Call it instinct or intuition but she was already fearing the worst. Like exam results day…sometimes you just know beforehand. The consultant asked questions performed some tests, recorded results and then popped up a picture confirming worst fears….multiple cysts on the ovaries. We were both in a daze after that, all I could think of was to hold her hand. We got out of the office and tried my best to be supportive. She was looking at me for support, reassurance that everything was going to be ok and answers….I didn’t have any answers and not understanding the true extent of this condition gave the impression to my wife that I did not care which was far from true….She was devastated…I could never imagine what was running through her head that day. Could we have babies and make a family, Is my wife going to be alright, Would she need an operation, Is there a cure ? – All these questions were coming up for me but no answers at this time.

Now, as a man I found it in my experience that it is best to leave the ‘usual women stuff’ to the women but due to the lack of information, awareness and confusion (since women may experience different things) of what this is I hope this is useful to you too. Now bear in mind I am no expert on the subject other than being a concerned and supportive partner but if this article can encourage you to search further with the resources below to find ways to improve your diet, fitness and general well-being that will be a great step forward. Just by making small changes to your lifestyle could reduce the impact of this condition and reduce the risk of more severe problems later on in life, even without using drugs or resorting to an operation of any kind.

Firstly, PCOS (PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome) is a complex condition where there are cysts in her ovaries(the organs in a woman’s that produces eggs) which cause it to function abnormally, causing eggs to be released at irregular times.


Some women have no symptoms. Most, however, will have irregular periods or no periods at all. Often women with PCOS find it hard to get pregnant. The abnormalities in hormones can cause many other problems too:

  • Acne and excessive body hair (hirsutism) may develop as a result of increased testosterone levels, and some women develop male-pattern balding. The acne can commonly be seen on the cheeks.
  • Women with PCOS often gain, and find it hard to lose, weight – more than half are overweight, usually with central or apple shaped obesity which is particularly linked to diabetes and heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • A symptom, thought to be linked to insulin resistance is a diffuse velvety thickening and pigmentation of the skin, especially around the neck, armpits, groin, below the breast, and of the elbows and knuckles, known as Acanthosis nigrans
  • Many suffer embarrassment because of their appearance, and can become socially isolated and depressed


Causes and risk factors

The precise cause of PCOS is uncertain. Genetics may play a part as it often runs in a family but other factors are important too. Women with PCOS have abnormalities in the production and metabolism of female and male sex hormones such as oestrogen and androgens, which can lead to raised levels of the male hormones in some. These abnormalities disrupt the activity of the ovaries which become enlarged, with a thick outer capsule beneath which cysts may form (these cysts result from problems with egg production and release).

There is also a lack of sensitivity to the hormone insulin (known as insulin resistance) which controls blood sugar levels. As a result the body pumps out high and higher amounts of insulin, which in turn causes raised levels of blood fats and an increased risk of thrombosis.

Being overweight aggravates this situation, so it can become a vicious circle – women with PCOS are especially likely to put on weight and this worsens the condition, so they put on more weight.

Around five to ten per cent of women have the syndrome. It develops during adolescence with the onset of periods. Many women are prescribed the pill at this time, which quite frankly is a one-dimensional solution to a multi-dimensional condition.


Treatment and recovery

Being overweight increases the risk of developing symptoms, so women are advised to determine their ideal weight and maintain it.

Losing just five to ten per cent of body weight may be all that’s needed to correct the hormonal imbalance, thus restoring ovulation and fertility, and helping improve acne and hirsutism.

Hormone therapy is also used to regulate periods, and treat acne and hirsutism.

  • Other treatments include standard acne treatments and methods to remove excess facial and body hair, such as electrolysis.

Newer treatments include a drug called metformin that counteracts insulin resistance. Although this is not yet licensed, doctors can prescribe it if they feel it’s appropriate. There is also research underway into ovarian surgery.

Please remember that although you have these signs of infertility, it does not mean you will not get pregnant. There are so many variables to consider before totally giving up. Your doctor will guide you along the path towards parenthood.

There are also holistic ways to reduce PCOS. The book The Ovarian Cyst Miracle offers great tips and techniques. Every PCOS should find something of value from this book. The general idea is that prescribing treatments for the symptons may not be the cure. By holistically identifying the root cause the reason why the symptons are occuring and curing that may well offer longer lasting treatment.


  • A great resource online is Verity which is actually a UK charity for women affected by polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) as well as making great strides to bring about awareness in the medical community
  • Another great resource is at SoulCysters which is an awesome online community with other women with PCOS
  • Dr David Cahill writes a wonderful article describing in particular which treatments your doctor can prescribe for you

Learning More…Studying Less

It is often overlooked that the way we learn can make a significant difference to how quick we progress with learning. Whenever the subject of why some people learn faster comes up there are a whole host of common answers:

  1. Some people are just naturally smart. (Often implying you can’t improve)
  2. Everyone is “smart” in their own way. (Nonsense, research indicates different “intelligences” often correlate)
  3. IQ is all in the genes. (Except IQ changes with age and IQ tests can be studied for, like any other test)

There may be some truth to these claims but it doesn’t mean that average learners are doomed to mediocrity. There are many people who went from middle to spectacular students after changing their learning habits and finding motivation.

Here are some tactics to learn faster, retain information better or just enjoy the process of learning more:

Genius (or Crazy?)#1 – Pegging (or How Mental Magicians can Perfectly Recall Hundreds of Numbers)

One of the learning tactics, that is rarely mentioned, is pegging. This is a great tool for remembering numbers, provided you practice it.

The systems typically work with a special cheat sheet. This is a list of the digits 0-9 which each correspond to the sound of a consonant. All you need to do is memorize the corresponding consonant and digit match (e.g. 0 = t, 1 = s, 2 = k, 3 = r, etc.)

From there, you can translate any series of numbers into a series of letters. Now all you need to do is make groups of letters into nouns by adding vowels between the consonants. So 201 becomes, k-t-s, which can become “kites”, for example.

Then, once you have your string of nouns, you just need to create a story that combines each of the nouns in a sequence. To translate them back you only need to remember the story and decompose the objects back into their original digits.

#2 – Metaphor (Juliet is the sun… or is she a chemical formula?)

Here’s a quick way to separate the rapid learners from the average learners. Ask them to give you an analogy for whatever they are learning. The rapid learners probably have already thought of at least one analogy, application or metaphor. Slower learners usually are baffled by the question.

Linking ideas allows you to retain them longer and understand them better. Shakespeare isn’t the only one who should be making connections between ideas.

#3 – Total Immersion (Or How a Guy Can Become Fluent in 8 Languages)

Benny Lewis became fluent in eight languages in under a decade. More, his current goal is to become fluent in a new language in under 3 months. When asked how he achieved this his answer was straightforward: “I stop speaking English. I do everything in the language I want to learn.”

When you’re totally immersed in a subject (or language), even if you’re lost, you’ll learn far faster than everyone who just dabbles.

#4 – Visceralization (What does a derivative look like?)

When we were kids, we played with crayons and drew pictures of fantastic things that never existed outside our imagination. What happened?

Now most of us feel embarrassed if we try to imagine anything exciting or creative with what we learn. This is, I believe, a key reason many people struggle scholastically. They try to memorize exactly the way they were taught, instead of visualizing the material in an inventive way.

When a student recently had to take a test on international labour law, a key topic was the International Labor Organization. Rather than memorize facts, they drew a picture of a creature which had three heads for each of the sections of the ILO, one with 4 mouths for each of the different delegates. In all, they managed to incorporate a page of notes into one picture.

Learning only needs to be boring because you make it that way.

#5 – Linking (Or How to Remember a Grocery List Without the Paper)

Like pegging, linking is another trick mental magicians use. The idea here is that you form a chain, linking each item in a sequence to the next item. You form these links by imagining bizarre and surreal pictures which combine the two elements.

For a simple list like Milk -> Honey -> Apples, you would need to form a link between milk and honey, which you could imagine a giant cow that had bees which came from its udders instead of milk. For the honey and apples, you could imagine an giant apple beehive swarming with tiny apple seeds.

Like pegging this technique can go far beyond the scope of this article. It is commonly used successfully to remember lists of abstract principles that need to be memorized in a sequence for tests.

#6 – The 5-Year Old Method (Try explaining quantum physics to a first grader)

Most rapid learners know how to simplify an explanation. Obviously, actually explaining your masters thesis to a first grader might be impossible but the goal is to reduce the complexity, by explaining, breaking down and using analogies, so that someone far below your current academic level could understand it.

If you can teach an idea, you can learn that idea.

#7 – Ambiance Catalysts (Or How Drinking a Pint Can Improve Your Studying)

Cal Newport, wrote about the importance of context when studying. If you lock yourself away in a library to get work done, no wonder you’re going to hate it. If the ambiance is appealing, it can push you to get working.

He suggests even going to a quiet bar with your reading material and ordering a beer.How’s that for a more inviting study setting?

#8 – Diagrams (Who said doodling in class was wrong?)

It turns out doodlers perform better in mental retention tests than non-doodlers. It would be fair to say that if the drawings you create in a class are related to the course material, you would probably learn even better.

#9 – Speed Reading (Or How to Read 70 Books in a Year)

Speed reading is less about speed and more about control. Just as racecar driving is more about controlling speed for tight turns, rather than just hitting the accelerator.

If you want to speed read, the basics are:

  • Use your finger as a pointer to underline the text as you read it. This reduces the impact of saccades and distractions in slowing your reading time.
  • Practice reading books faster than you can comprehend, by moving your finger faster. This “practice skimming” helps you improve your comprehension at higher reading rates.
  • Stop subvocalizing. Practice reading faster than you can say the words aloud in your head. Subvocalization can help at slower speeds, but if you require it to read, your top speed will be reduced.

For a deeper instruction Click here.

The Key to Self Discipline

Self discipline starts with the ability to control your behavior. That means motivating yourself to do what you need to do, and stopping yourself from doing things that are bad for you. The “ability to control” is just the start, though, and real discipline is when you have trained your mind in such way that you consistently get the behavior you want.

Discipline may appear to be a problem of willpower. However, this implies just pushing ourselves harder to do things, even when we feel miserable, or fighting temptations. It’s a good recipe for stress and disappointment, but there are better ways to a disciplined life.

Self Discipline Tips

Have you ever stayed up all night talking about something interesting? Then you know what power the mind has over the body. Sleep can be put off when we are motivated by a passionate discussion,and it doesn’t take much willpower to keep doing something when you are enjoying it. That gives us a key to self discipline.

Try to enjoy what you are doing and be energized. Your willpower goes up and down with your energy levels, so play energetic music, move around, laugh, and look for the interesting parts of whatever project you are working on. Once you identify your best energy boosters and motivators, make a list, and train your brain to use them whenever you need discipline.

Make things easier on yourself. If you feel stressed when you think about doing your tax return, for example, don’t think about it! Just lay out the forms where you can work on them later. Later do just one form, and then another. Whatever the task at hand, you can find enough motivation for some small step. Start training your mind to take that step as soon as you think of it, and the next steps become easier.

Self Discipline And Self Awareness

What if that cake calls to you. Sometimes it’s hard to resist temptation, right? Willpower is a nice idea, but here is a simpler solution: stop standing in front of the cake! It is an easy lesson to understand, so train yourself to apply it habitually. Don’t keep beer in the house if you don’t want to drink it. Don’t go alone to the bar if you want to maintain a faithful marriage. Just stay away from people that lead you to trouble.

Discipline doesn’t mean being immune to temptation. Go ahead and develop the willpower to say no, if you can, but why not also have the wisdom to avoid temptation? Know where your resistance is low, and don’t put yourself in those situations. Does this make more sense than fighting useless battles with yourself?

Fighting feelings is a losing battle. It’s far more effective to learn about yourself. How are you energized and motivated? Where are your strengths and weaknesses? Learn about yourself, and start using what you learn to make the behaviors you want easy. That’s the key to self discipline.

Approaching women

Meeting the girl of your dreams is one thing, for most men actually approaching her and initiating a conversation is quite another. It makes it even worse when the girl we’ve been dreaming about from across the room gets into a conversation with a new guy that just walked in after you ! So what is it – feeling of rejection, shyness, just scared frozen….putting a girl on a pedestal thinking that she is better than you and then the insecurities kick in, saying to yourself if she is better why would she be interested in you ?

Truth is having confidence and technique is just like anything else, it can be learnt and applied – No different to learning a foreign language. We have learnt many things from a child to now so why stop ? Here are some basic pointers to get you going on the road to a new and improved life !

Body Language – Check the eye contact. Nothing reveals more on whether a girl is interested than eyes. Also, whether or not her body is open. For example, are her arms folded – She may not be in the mood for talking. On the other hand if you get a look back, more open posture and a smile you really want to get over there.

Attentive – When you get to talk to her, break the ice and listen for whats she says. Quite often you can build entire conversations just out of something she may have on her mind that day and if you roll with it it will give you a chance to show you are listening to her about something that is at the forefront of her mind…and swing the probability of her wanting to speak with you more in your favour.

Don’t Slouch – Slouching is just plain unattractive. Try to develop good posture. Do some research on The Alexander Technique or Pilates for keeping your back straight. you’ll look taller and also feel more confident naturally. There’s a reason why there are so many advertisements for getting rid of a pot belly and gaining a six-pack. Six-pack attractive, pot belly not attractive.

Dress decent – Not to say you should be wearing a white shirt and bow tie but whatever you have on girls tend to notice the little things, shirt ironed, soles worn on shoes and whether you have married a particular clothing that it is clearly past its sell-by date. The best investment one can make here if its possible is to get fitted clothes. It can’t be emphasised enough the difference between an off the hook item and a perfectly fitted one.

Everyone is different so it is difficult to be anymore specific in this short article, apply these pointers to how you would address them and let your personality shine through.

These days the use of social media and technology has revolutionised everyday life. Use your social technology to find new friends online or for making arrangements with existing friends, meet up with them in real life and go from there.

For more conclusive instruction click here for some excellent advice that will conquer those inadequacies you once had.