Good Reasons to Consume Niacin Daily

In the next few paragraphs I’m planning to write about the main niacin benefits that this substance has to offer, as well as some of its history and the ultimate way to get it. Niacin or vitamin B3 is amongst the 8 B vitamins that are required so that the human body operates appropriately.

In fact if somebody doesn’t take in enough of this substance then all kinds of health issues may be manufactured. This might include scurvy which loosens teeth, triggers nerve deterioration, convulsions and death.

Pallagra is an additional medical problem which leads to the 4 d’s. They are diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia not to mention death.

Additionally a person can easily experience beriberi, that could result in mental confusion, speech issues and paralysis.

What is intriguing about beriberi is that in 1905 a gentleman named William Fletcher identified there were certain nutrients in the husks of rice that prevented this illness. After that someone named Casimir Funk took Mr. Fletchers findings and created the expression vitamin.

So the ailment beriberi, which was a serious problem in the early 1900′s, really lead to the discovery of nutritional vitamins.

So, as you can already see, it is very important for a person to consume niacin and I didn’t even talk about something known as rickets yet that softens bones.

Niacin was discovered by Conrad Elvehjem a biochemist from Wisconsin in 1937. It had been initially known as nicotinic acid as a result of oxidizing nicotine, which basically signifies it gives it oxygen.

Indeed, it’s the very same nicotine found in tobacco. It altered its label to niacin by blending the first two letters of nicotinic, the next 2 characters from acid and the last two letters from vitamin.

Apart from protecting against all these terrible medical ailments niacin in fact has numerous advantages. Are you aware that physicians actually prescribe this vitamin to assist with high cholesterol?

Yep, it lowers poor LDL cholesterol and increases beneficial HDL cholesterol, which not merely prevents heart disease, but nearly every body organ since more blood circulation equals organs working better. Oh and vitamin B3, which is niacin will help take away toxic compounds from the body.

What it does is crack fat cells that store toxins which helps the body remove them.
Addititionally there is some evidence that this particular vitamin boosts muscle strength and decreases muscle and joint fatigue.

This means that it’s good for osteoarthritis along with weight training. Last but not least, a study was carried out on 10 people that took 1,000 mg of this element 3 times each day and 5 individuals totally recovered from being senile and 2 had substantial advancements. This means that it is great for the mind and memory.

Other interested advantages to it may be helping with type 2 diabetes, skin care, motion illness and really just tons and tons of other advantages. I could probably go on listing a great many others.

Just take my word and be sure you get an ample amount of this kind of vitamin each day.

You can easily obtain niacin as a result of eating seafood, chicken, steak, nuts and even fresh green peas. I strongly suggest taking a good dietary supplement to be safe. The nutritional quality of the food that is available to a lot of of us has reduced from chemicals, product packaging along with cooking.

Supplements also provide all kinds of other advantages such as being convenient, simple to take and have a great many other positive features like antioxidants plus some herbs.

You can also view a video about this topic by going to u-tube video on vitamin b3

or view a similar article about niacin at benefits to b3