How Men can be Stylish?

These days going to the local shopping centre there is nothing worse than seeing the majority of the male population in old trainers, cheap tracksuit bottoms, a sweatshirt and either a hoodie or a cap (and we’re not just talking teenagers here !). The only thing that this look has going for it is that it is cheap, both in financial terms and in look terms.

Somehow we seem to have gotten into a trait of thinking that looking good requires lots of money, time and expertise and have opted for cheap stuff, since the ‘good stuff’ is off-limits to us. However, this notion is completely wrong and must be changed! We all have different skin tones and colours. Not all colours of clothing and accessories ‘flow’ well. First, we should find out what our skin tone is, then buy clothes and make colour combinations accordingly. This will instantly draw attention to our appearance.

There are simple things that we may not have thought about but can change the way we look. No, it does not always require money to change our appearance, as there are some simple everyday stuff which when changed will make us look better. A change of attitude will instantly change how we look. Consider vanity, it is not such a bad thing when we consider it. A little vanity can actually be good for us. Learn to take care of how we look, eat healthy and exercise daily to make ourselves look better.

Studies have also been conducted which show that peers who are good-looking or even decently attractive, earn more because they develop a self-confidence about themselves which helps them in their workplace. Clothes make a lot of difference to the appearance and we need new clothes to wear occasionally but they will make us look unattractive if they are ill-fitting and baggy. They may have looked good when you purchased them but now they have become old and worn out and they only make you look unattractive.

So, clean your wardrobe of these ill shaped clothes and throw them or give them out to the needy. Now that you are done cleaning out the wardrobe, there is a very important thing to remember when you plan to buy a new set of clothes. Remember that quality is always better than quantity. Clothes that look good on you, even if they are few, are an asset to your appearance while having plenty of clothes and nothing good to wear is not goingto help your cause. Another thing to remember is that it is of the utmost importance that you know your size well. Most of us usually have no clue about our correct size and end up buying clothes that are a little big for us. Refrain from buying your trousers half an inch bigger because you think you might need it in the future, just in case. Clothes that fit perfectly on you are the ones that will make you look good. So, remember that it is not money, that will make you look attractive, but purchasing good fitted clothes which will enhance your looks and make you look stylish

Need some more tips? Simply, click here and turn yourself into a highly respected and stylish man!